At WGS Waste, we supply a comprehensive range of dental waste receptacles for every type of dentistry practice. This will ensure you are fully compliant with all the latest safety regulations associated with the storage, collection and disposal of waste materials.
- Yellow lidded sharps containers (with wall brackets)
- Pharmaceutical waste (for out-of-date LA cartridges, sedation drugs etc)
- Orange clinical waste bags (5kg medium duty, 10kg heavy duty)
- Cytotoxic containers (for dentists offering aesthetics, i.e. Botox)
- Lockable 770 and 1100 litre wheelie bins with drop fronts to aid manual handling
- Bridge and crown pots (precious metal containers for recovery and refund)
- Lead foil fixer and developer (for practices without digital photography)
- Post coded bag ties for safety, security and traceability
- Mercury vapour suppressant kits (see separate section)
- All amalgam-related products (see separate section)
- Feminine hygiene products (for staff and patient toilets)
- Cardboard recycling (various size wheelie bins to store practice- produced cardboard, collected in line with other services
- Confidential waste (hessian bags or boxes for office paper waste and archived patient dental records)
Our integrated cardboard and waste paper collection service means dental practices don’t need to enter into separate commercial waste contracts with other suppliers.
For all product enquiries contact us on 01892 725609 or email...